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Austin Pearse (sometimes known as Austin Lee Pearse) (Plaintiff)
The Queen (Defendant)
Trial Division, Mahoney J.—Ottawa, August 5, 1980.
Expropriation — Compensation — Practice — Application by defendant to amend its defence in order to plead ss. 32 and 33(5) of the Expropriation Act — Application dismissed — It is not appropriate to plead s. 32 in proceedings to determine compensation under s. 29 — As to s. 33(5), the matter is res judicata — A matter held not to be an appropriate subject- matter for discovery cannot be held later to be an appropriate subject-matter of pleading — Expropriation Act, R.S.C. (1st Supp.). c. 16, ss. 32, 33(5).
P. Douglas Turner, Q.C. for plaintiff. Paul J. Evraire for defendant.
P. Douglas Turner, Q.C., Toronto, for plaintiff.
Deputy Attorney General of Canada for defendant.
The following are the reasons for order ren dered in English by
MAHONEY J.: This action for compensation for expropriated land was commenced August 9, 1974. After consolidation with a second action, the defence was filed March 5, 1976. Aside from a change of solicitors by the plaintiff in June 1978, nothing further happened on the record until, in March 1980, the plaintiff sought to require re- attendance of the defendant's officer for discovery directed to the delay in the proceedings and the defendant's intimation that it intended to ask the Court to exercise its discretion under subsection 33(5) of the Expropriation Act, R.S.C. 1970 (1st Supp.), c. 16 and to deprive the plaintiff of interest to which he might otherwise be entitled. That application was dismissed with reasons April 2,
1980.* The defendant now moves for leave to amend the statement of defence by adding a para graph pleading sections 32 and 33(5) of the Act.
Section 32 provides for the recovery by the Crown of compensation paid pursuant to section 14 in excess of the amount adjudged to be payable. It provides further that:
32. ... the excess constitutes a debt due to the Crown and may be recovered by the Crown in any court of competent jurisdiction.
It seems clear that section 32 contemplates a separate proceeding, if necessary, to enforce the liability to the Crown which may arise following the determination of compensation under section 29. It is not appropriate to plead section 32 in proceedings to determine compensation under section 29.
As to subsection 33(5), the defendant is now taking a position entirely contrary to that taken in successfully opposing the plaintiff's motion for fur ther discovery. As stated in the reasons then given:
If, when the compensation payable is finally determined, interest is, in fact, payable to the plaintiff, it will be timely for the Court and parties to consider representations germane to an exercise of discretion under subsection 33(5) and, if necessary, to provide for evidence in that behalf. It is not an appropriate subject of examination for discovery.
That is res judicata in this action. The defendant cannot have it both ways. A matter that has been held not to be an appropriate subject-matter for discovery can scarcely be held later to be an appropriate subject-matter of pleading.
The application is dismissed.
* [Reasons for order not reported, Court No. T-1312-76.]
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